Saturday, July 18, 2009


Michigan does not currently require home inspectors to be licensed. When looking for a home inspector, be sure to verify what license is being referred to when a home inspector advertises "licensed". Many home inspectors are licensed builders. Michigan recently changed its builder licensing law to require continuing competency training.

Representative Richard LeBlac of Michigan's 18th District introduced House Bill 4162 earlier this year. This bill is currently being held by the Regulatory Reform Committee. Representative Bert Johnson is chair of this committee.

Senator Glenn Anderson or Michigan's 6th District introduced a companion bill, Senate Bill 0355. This bill is also delayed in the Economic Development and Regulatory Reform committee. Senator Alan Sanborn chairs this committee.

The current bills represent 4 years of hard work on the part of Michigan's Legislature and professional home inspectors working to address the question of licensing. These bills are good legislation. They protect the consumer, and assist the inspector in eliminating conflict of interest issues. The single shortcoming is the absence of a prohibition against real estate agents steering home buyers to specific home inspectors.

To show your support for this legislation, contact your State Senator or Representative. To contact the sponsors of these bills, telephone Richard LeBlanc at 517-373-2576 or 888-737-5325. Senator Glenn Anderson can be reached at 517-373-1707 or 866-262-7306. Let them know that you support this legislation, and would like to see it move out of committee.